Ricardo "Kamakaze"
Nakayama, one of the most experienced self-defense
instructors in Brazil, Pedro "Fat"
Cavalcante, internationally known action-sports
photographer and himself an expert in survival techniques and
instructor of radical sports, and
J.R.R. Abrahão (aka "Mad
Abe"), a criminal attorney, master shooter, gun
collector, big-game hunter and published author, once more bring
us a literary work that is a must for today´s depraved Society.
Originally published in Brazil, these teachings found a fan at the
publishing house of UNCLE FESTER
started to learn this system, and saw it was so easy to learn and
effective in practice that he decided to translate and publish it
in his homeland.
In today´s badly troubled environment , the authors, using
simple and objective language, and a lot of good photos and clear
illustractions, show their own experiences on the defensive and
offensive use of knives in real fighting, giving a real treasure
trove of information that could save a person´s life when the
chips are down and one is on his own.
More than just showing the fighting tools, the book lists the
most common fighting blades, showing the best and worst points of
each design, plus a lot of the fighting techniques which can be
used with a variety of blades by the person who choses to use one
for his defense.
Fortunately, knives are not yet considered as weapons in
Brazilian Law (in USA there are Federal, State, and Local Laws
regarding blades); but don´t feel sorry for yourself, fellow
Americans, because we, Brazilians, now have one of the most
draconian Laws in all the World regarding guns, amunition, their
possession and carry. These have practically disarmed the
Brazilian Society, and have left law-abiding citizens without any option
to repel criminal attacks - unless, of course, one choses to
follow the path of the Man with the Blade, taught in this book.
one to kill people in cold-blood, but does show the moves and
actions that must be executed by all people who suffer unprovoked violent
In easy language, even to the layman, the book is very
attractive by it´s way of showing uncountable ways to expertly
manipulate knives, giving the self-taught reader complete mastery
of this "Great Art" in few weeks of dedicated training, or even a
couple of weekends of hard-training.
There are no doubts that this book´ll be acclaimed by the
public & critics, and I´m sure that the people whose lives will be
saved by the book's teachings will be very gratefull to the
As a Commanding Officer of Brazilian Navy (retired), veteran
fighter of the 1964 Revolution, when we defeated the communists´
attempted Coup D´État and veteran of years of rural and urban
guerrilla warfare, I strongly advise the reading of this
fasinating work.
I must thank the authors, especially
UNCLE FESTER, for being
at the same time co-author & publisher of this book, for their
hard efforts of bringing so much pertinent and complete
information on a minucious yet concise book, important, needed and
easy to read and understand, and yet it talks about a very serious
topic - life & death - it´s an amazing and, we can say, even fun,
literary work, written in impeccable English.
Claudio Buchholz Ferreira

(Navy), Brazilian Navy - retired
da Reserva Remunerada da Marinha-de-Guerra do Brasil)
The last Commander, Captain-in-charge of
Destroyer PARAIBA
(Último Comandante do Contratorpedeiro
Bachelor and MSc in Naval Sciences
(Bacharel com Mestrado em Ciências